@@ -3,20 +3,27 @@
// Led L2 is connected to PORTD:7 (active high)
// Led L2 is connected to PORTD:7 (active high)
void setup (void) {
void setup (void) {
-// Configure PTD7 as digital port (input or output)
- PORTD_PCR (7) = PORT_PCR_MUX (1) ;
-// Configure PTD7 as digital output port (output level is low --> led is off)
- GPIOD_PDDR |= (1 << 7) ;
+ // Configure PTD7 as digital port (input or output)
+ PORTD_PCR (7) = PORT_PCR_MUX (1) ;
+ // Configure PTD7 as digital output port (output level is low --> led is off)
+ GPIOD_PDDR |= (1 << 7) ;
+ // Init clock
+ startSystick();
void loop (void) {
void loop (void) {
-// Drive PTD7 high --> led is on
- GPIOD_PSOR = 1 << 7 ;
-// Wait...
- for (volatile uint32_t i=0 ; i< 10 * 2000 * 1000 ; i++) {}
-// Drive PTD7 low --> led is off
- GPIOD_PCOR = 1 << 7 ;
-// Wait...
- for (volatile uint32_t i=0 ; i< 10 * 500 * 1000 ; i++) {}
+ // Drive PTD7 high --> led is on
+ GPIOD_PSOR = 1 << 7 ;
+ // Wait...
+ busyWaitDuring(500);
+ // Drive PTD7 low --> led is off
+ GPIOD_PCOR = 1 << 7 ;
+ // Wait...
+ busyWaitDuring(500);