reset-handler-sequential.s 2.5 KB

  1. .syntax unified
  2. .cpu cortex-m4
  3. .thumb
  4. @----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
  5. @ *
  6. @ R E S E T H A N D L E R ( D O U B L E S T A C K M O D E ) *
  7. @ *
  8. @----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
  9. @--- This is stack for background task
  11. .section .bss.background.task.stack, "aw", %nobits
  12. .align 3 @ Stack should be aligned on a 8-byte boundary
  13. background.task.stack:
  15. @----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
  16. @ See
  17. .section ".text.reset.handler", "ax", %progbits
  18. .global reset.handler
  19. .type reset.handler, %function
  20. reset.handler: @ Cortex M4 boots with interrupts enabled, in Thread mode
  21. @---------------------------------- Run boot, zero bss section, copy data section
  22. bl start.phase1
  23. @---------------------------------- Set PSP: this is stack for background task
  24. ldr r0, =background.task.stack + BACKGROUND.STACK.SIZE
  25. msr psp, r0
  26. @---------------------------------- Set CONTROL register (see §B1.4.4)
  27. @ bit 0 : 0 -> Thread mode has privileged access, 1 -> Thread mode has unprivileged access
  28. @ bit 1 : 0 -> Use SP_main as the current stack, 1 -> In Thread mode, use SP_process as the current stack
  29. @ bit 2 : 0 -> FP extension not active, 1 -> FP extension is active
  30. movs r2, #2
  31. msr CONTROL, r2
  32. @--- Software must use an ISB barrier instruction to ensure a write to the CONTROL register
  33. @ takes effect before the next instruction is executed.
  34. isb
  35. @---------------------------------- Run init routines, interrupt disabled
  36. cpsid i @ Disable interrupts
  37. bl start.phase2
  38. cpsie i @ Enable interrupts
  39. @---------------------------------- Run setup, loop
  40. bl setup.function
  41. background.task:
  42. bl loop.function
  43. b background.task
  44. @----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*