# ASCII Space Destroyer The space shooter game made of ASCII characters. ## Content Cross platform C++ source code of the game. It's a home-made open-source game, feel free to clone, modify, and propose pull requests. ## Features + Several available space ships + Different levels with several waves (french ambiance text) + Several save slots + Customizable ships (just edit/add txt files in resources folder) + 8 different weapons + 1 fighting shield + unlock new weapons and CPU load (number of blocs on your ship) ## Technology Libraries used : + [SDL 1.2](https://www.libsdl.org/) + SDL GFX ## Related My own website where you can find more about this game, like executables (french). [Jovian Hersemeule - Projets - ASCII Space Destroyer(FR)](http://jovian-hersemeule.eu/projets/pro_ascii_space.html)