infinite_level.tscn 29 KB

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  31. albedo_texture = ExtResource("1_3ytcp")
  32. subsurf_scatter_strength = 0.73
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  34. grow_amount = 0.352
  35. point_size = 55.9
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  37. material = SubResource("StandardMaterial3D_ot7iy")
  38. size = Vector2(500, 500)
  39. orientation = 1
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  41. panorama = ExtResource("15_5bqty")
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  44. sky_material = SubResource("PanoramaSkyMaterial_me3fv")
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  46. background_mode = 2
  47. background_color = Color(0, 0.690196, 0, 1)
  48. background_energy_multiplier = 1.12
  49. sky = SubResource("Sky_ix450")
  50. ambient_light_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
  51. ambient_light_sky_contribution = 0.0
  52. ambient_light_energy = 0.5
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  54. [node name="InfiniteLevel" type="Node3D"]
  55. [node name="Ground" type="StaticBody3D" parent="."]
  56. collision_mask = 0
  57. metadata/_edit_lock_ = true
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  59. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -5, 0)
  60. shape = SubResource("BoxShape3D_ctk0t")
  61. metadata/_edit_lock_ = true
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  63. mesh = SubResource("QuadMesh_dt8nl")
  64. metadata/_edit_lock_ = true
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  67. current = true
  68. script = ExtResource("1_qdm47")
  69. max_distance = 6.0
  70. camera_height = 2.0
  71. [node name="MainWalker" parent="." instance=ExtResource("1_x0026")]
  72. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5.88763, 22.0619, 45.7771)
  73. [node name="Control" parent="MainWalker" instance=ExtResource("2_0i5t8")]
  74. process_mode = 4
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  76. [node name="Boxes" type="Node3D" parent="Props"]
  77. [node name="Box1" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
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  79. [node name="Box2" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
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  81. [node name="Box3" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
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  84. transform = Transform3D(-0.544536, 0, 0.838737, 0, 1, 0, -0.838737, 0, -0.544536, -169.685, 8.79002, 68.472)
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  86. transform = Transform3D(-0.339936, 0, 0.940448, 0, 1, 0, -0.940448, 0, -0.339936, -174.257, 1.5, 28.7933)
  87. [node name="Box5" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  88. transform = Transform3D(-0.339936, 0, 0.940448, 0, 1, 0, -0.940448, 0, -0.339936, -173.86, 0.5, 27.9299)
  89. [node name="Box6" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  90. transform = Transform3D(-0.339936, 0, 0.940448, 0, 1, 0, -0.940448, 0, -0.339936, -175.226, 0.5, 29.0686)
  91. [node name="Box16" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  92. transform = Transform3D(-0.095255, 0, 0.995453, 0, 1, 0, -0.995453, 0, -0.095255, 132.85, 0.500002, 117.616)
  93. [node name="Box17" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
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  95. [node name="Box18" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  96. transform = Transform3D(-0.318727, 0, 0.947847, 0, 1, 0, -0.947847, 0, -0.318727, 132.51, 2.5, 119.153)
  97. [node name="Box19" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  98. transform = Transform3D(-0.095255, 0, 0.995453, 0, 1, 0, -0.995453, 0, -0.095255, 132.227, 1.5, 119.948)
  99. [node name="Box20" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  100. transform = Transform3D(-0.095255, 0, 0.995453, 0, 1, 0, -0.995453, 0, -0.095255, 132.827, 0.500002, 119.211)
  101. [node name="Box21" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  102. transform = Transform3D(-0.095255, 0, 0.995453, 0, 1, 0, -0.995453, 0, -0.095255, 131.221, 0.500002, 119.974)
  103. [node name="Box7" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  104. transform = Transform3D(-0.339936, 0, 0.940448, 0, 1, 0, -0.940448, 0, -0.339936, -33.7006, 0.5, -192.521)
  105. [node name="Box8" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  106. transform = Transform3D(-0.339936, 0, 0.940448, 0, 1, 0, -0.940448, 0, -0.339936, -33.3648, 1.5, -191.853)
  107. [node name="Box9" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  108. transform = Transform3D(-0.544536, 0, 0.838737, 0, 1, 0, -0.838737, 0, -0.544536, -33.6479, 2.5, -190.948)
  109. [node name="Box10" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  110. transform = Transform3D(-0.339936, 0, 0.940448, 0, 1, 0, -0.940448, 0, -0.339936, -33.7237, 1.5, -190.108)
  111. [node name="Box11" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  112. transform = Transform3D(-0.339936, 0, 0.940448, 0, 1, 0, -0.940448, 0, -0.339936, -33.3264, 0.5, -190.971)
  113. [node name="Box12" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  114. transform = Transform3D(-0.339936, 0, 0.940448, 0, 1, 0, -0.940448, 0, -0.339936, -34.6922, 0.5, -189.832)
  115. [node name="Box13" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  116. transform = Transform3D(-0.544536, 0, 0.838737, 0, 1, 0, -0.838737, 0, -0.544536, 5.93014, 20.5081, 45.7705)
  117. [node name="Box14" parent="Props/Boxes" instance=ExtResource("2_e8xto")]
  118. transform = Transform3D(0.239449, 0, 0.970909, 0, 1, 0, -0.970909, 0, 0.239449, 5.93014, 21.5166, 45.7705)
  119. [node name="Triangles" type="Node3D" parent="Props"]
  120. [node name="FlatTriangle1" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
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  122. [node name="FlatTriangle2" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  123. transform = Transform3D(-0.940448, 0, -0.339936, 0, 1, 0, 0.339936, 0, -0.940448, -164.24, 0, 60.6973)
  124. [node name="FlatTriangle7" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  125. transform = Transform3D(-4.37114e-08, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -4.37114e-08, -95.142, 0, -10.3618)
  126. [node name="FlatTriangle8" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  127. transform = Transform3D(-4.37114e-08, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -4.37114e-08, -97.2758, 0, -55.543)
  128. [node name="FlatTriangle20" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  129. transform = Transform3D(0.443134, 0, 0.896456, 0, 1, 0, -0.896456, 0, 0.443134, -97.2758, 0, -140.769)
  130. [node name="FlatTriangle21" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  131. transform = Transform3D(0.443134, 0, 0.896456, 0, 1, 0, -0.896456, 0, 0.443134, -161.743, 0, 34.9146)
  132. [node name="FlatTriangle23" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  133. transform = Transform3D(0.063853, 0, 0.997959, 0, 1, 0, -0.997959, 0, 0.063853, -104.29, 7.62939e-06, 29.3291)
  134. [node name="FlatTriangle22" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  135. transform = Transform3D(-0.597471, 0, 0.80189, 0, 1, 0, -0.80189, 0, -0.597471, -153.538, 0, 160.066)
  136. [node name="FlatTriangle9" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  137. transform = Transform3D(-4.37114e-08, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -4.37114e-08, -87.5054, 0, -32.2708)
  138. [node name="FlatTriangle3" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  139. transform = Transform3D(-0.752346, 0, 0.658768, 0, 1, 0, -0.658768, 0, -0.752346, -30.389, 0, 69.5791)
  140. [node name="FlatTriangle4" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  141. transform = Transform3D(0.311821, 0, -0.950141, 0, 1, 0, 0.950141, 0, 0.311821, -116.375, 0, 144.573)
  142. [node name="FlatTriangle5" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  143. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 55.6478, 0, -47.5856)
  144. [node name="FlatTriangle6" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  145. transform = Transform3D(0.119634, 0, -0.992818, 0, 1, 0, 0.992818, 0, 0.119634, 16.7144, 0, -1.251)
  146. [node name="FlatTriangle10" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  147. transform = Transform3D(-0.670336, 0, 0.742058, 0, 1, 0, -0.742058, 0, -0.670336, 45.1078, 0, -5.31432)
  148. [node name="FlatTriangle11" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  149. transform = Transform3D(-0.544141, 0, -0.838994, 0, 1, 0, 0.838994, 0, -0.544141, 31.0643, 0, 62.1097)
  150. [node name="FlatTriangle15" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  151. transform = Transform3D(0.721712, 0, -0.692194, 0, 1, 0, 0.692194, 0, 0.721712, 66.7063, 1.90735e-06, -92.584)
  152. [node name="FlatTriangle16" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  153. transform = Transform3D(0.444823, 0, -0.895619, 0, 1, 0, 0.895619, 0, 0.444823, 3.58108, 1.90735e-06, -110.14)
  154. [node name="FlatTriangle19" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  155. transform = Transform3D(-0.943414, 0, 0.331618, 0, 1, 0, -0.331618, 0, -0.943414, -24.702, 1.90735e-06, -135.896)
  156. [node name="FlatTriangle18" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  157. transform = Transform3D(0.954844, 0, -0.297108, 0, 1, 0, 0.297108, 0, 0.954844, -9.49784, 1.90735e-06, -43.3424)
  158. [node name="FlatTriangle17" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  159. transform = Transform3D(0.69824, 0, 0.715863, 0, 1, 0, -0.715863, 0, 0.69824, 44.3144, 1.90735e-06, -81.2353)
  160. [node name="FlatTriangle12" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  161. transform = Transform3D(-0.544141, 0, -0.838994, 0, 1, 0, 0.838994, 0, -0.544141, 188.074, -1.90735e-06, 123.519)
  162. [node name="FlatTriangle14" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  163. transform = Transform3D(-0.0879904, 0, 0.996121, 0, 1, 0, -0.996121, 0, -0.0879904, 104.877, -1.90735e-06, 103.738)
  164. [node name="FlatTriangle13" parent="Props/Triangles" instance=ExtResource("7_yyaog")]
  165. transform = Transform3D(0.951067, 0, -0.308984, 0, 1, 0, 0.308984, 0, 0.951067, 152.451, -0.112335, 56.6457)
  166. [node name="Chocolate" type="Node3D" parent="Props"]
  167. [node name="ChocolateTablet1" parent="Props/Chocolate" instance=ExtResource("7_5xsqf")]
  168. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 13.1804, 0.764616, 49.1112)
  169. [node name="ChocolateTablet2" parent="Props/Chocolate" instance=ExtResource("7_5xsqf")]
  170. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -36.9071, 0.764616, 11.1705)
  171. [node name="ChocolateTablet3" parent="Props/Chocolate" instance=ExtResource("7_5xsqf")]
  172. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -174.014, 5.1031, 27.9732)
  173. [node name="ChocolateTablet4" parent="Props/Chocolate" instance=ExtResource("7_5xsqf")]
  174. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 103.087, 0.764616, -38.3367)
  175. [node name="ChocolateTablet5" parent="Props/Chocolate" instance=ExtResource("7_5xsqf")]
  176. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 202.17, 0.764616, -174.564)
  177. [node name="ChocolateTablet6" parent="Props/Chocolate" instance=ExtResource("7_5xsqf")]
  178. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 132.368, 3.71743, 119.417)
  179. [node name="Vehicles" type="Node3D" parent="."]
  180. [node name="TinyPlane" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("4_tbpfc")]
  181. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 29.042, 39.7954, -37.6605)
  182. [node name="Jeep1" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("6_nnvc5")]
  183. transform = Transform3D(-4.37114e-08, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -4.37114e-08, 146.474, 0.747562, 98.7891)
  184. [node name="Jeep2" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("6_nnvc5")]
  185. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 0.956386, -0.292105, 0, 0.292105, 0.956386, 12.0397, 0.313516, -41.0428)
  186. [node name="Jeep5" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("6_nnvc5")]
  187. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 0.956386, -0.292105, 0, 0.292105, 0.956386, -63.9133, 13.4172, 1.37686)
  188. [node name="Jeep4" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("6_nnvc5")]
  189. transform = Transform3D(-0.953717, 0.270273, -0.131821, 0, 0.438371, 0.898794, 0.300706, 0.857195, -0.418082, -127.726, 11.2, 148.73)
  190. [node name="Jeep10" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("6_nnvc5")]
  191. transform = Transform3D(0.953717, -0.270273, 0.131821, 0, 0.438371, 0.898794, -0.300706, -0.857195, 0.418082, -128.158, 11.2001, 147.805)
  192. [node name="Jeep3" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("6_nnvc5")]
  193. transform = Transform3D(-0.103626, 0, 0.994616, 0, 1, 0, -0.994616, 0, -0.103626, 19.6109, 11.4313, 28.3118)
  194. [node name="Jeep11" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("6_nnvc5")]
  195. transform = Transform3D(0.666649, 0, 0.745371, 0, 1, 0, -0.745371, 0, 0.666649, 8.69616, -0.0833688, 43.0762)
  196. sleeping = true
  197. [node name="Jeep6" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("6_nnvc5")]
  198. transform = Transform3D(0.973786, 0, -0.227467, 0, 1, 0, 0.227467, 0, 0.973786, -6.80565, 11.4313, 54.7441)
  199. [node name="Jeep7" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("6_nnvc5")]
  200. transform = Transform3D(-0.7973, 0, 0.603584, 0, 1, 0, -0.603584, 0, -0.7973, -124.58, 0.747562, -181.029)
  201. [node name="Jeep8" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("6_nnvc5")]
  202. transform = Transform3D(0.920102, 0, 0.391679, 0, 1, 0, -0.391679, 0, 0.920102, -172.946, 0.747562, 21.1835)
  203. [node name="Jeep9" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("6_nnvc5")]
  204. transform = Transform3D(0.920102, 0, 0.391679, 0, 1, 0, -0.391679, 0, 0.920102, -163.38, 0.747562, 75.9588)
  205. [node name="Biplan" parent="Vehicles" instance=ExtResource("10_j323j")]
  206. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 17.2242, 0, 55.4111)
  207. [node name="Buildings" type="Node3D" parent="."]
  208. [node name="StairHouse1" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  209. transform = Transform3D(0.701345, 0, 0.712822, 0, 1, 0, -0.712822, 0, 0.701345, 129.608, 0, 102.921)
  210. [node name="StairHouse2" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  211. transform = Transform3D(0.712822, 0, -0.701345, 0, 1, 0, 0.701345, 0, 0.712822, 146.083, 0, 86.176)
  212. [node name="StairHouse9" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  213. transform = Transform3D(-0.601104, 0, -0.799171, 0, 1, 0, 0.799171, 0, -0.601104, 169.828, 0, 84.1446)
  214. [node name="StairHouse3" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  215. transform = Transform3D(-0.701345, 0, -0.712822, 0, 1, 0, 0.712822, 0, -0.701345, 167.056, 0, 106.812)
  216. [node name="StairHouse4" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  217. transform = Transform3D(0.712822, 0, 0.701345, 0, 1, 0, 0.701345, 0, -0.712822, 151.178, 0, 122.95)
  218. [node name="StairHouse5" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  219. transform = Transform3D(-0.712822, 0, 0.701345, 0, 1, 0, -0.701345, 0, -0.712822, 163.609, 0, 135.18)
  220. [node name="StairHouse6" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  221. transform = Transform3D(-4.37114e-08, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -4.37114e-08, 63.2664, 0, -16.3454)
  222. [node name="ChocoSign1" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_2x2n6")]
  223. transform = Transform3D(-0.311821, 0, 0.950141, 0, 1, 0, -0.950141, 0, -0.311821, -127.874, 0, 148.103)
  224. [node name="ChocoSign3" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_2x2n6")]
  225. transform = Transform3D(0.940448, 0, 0.339936, 0, 1, 0, -0.339936, 0, 0.940448, -167.064, 0, 51.9122)
  226. [node name="ChocoSign5" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_2x2n6")]
  227. transform = Transform3D(0.426695, 0.00404086, 0.904387, -7.38403e-11, 0.99999, -0.00446803, -0.904396, 0.00190649, 0.426691, 1.54475, 15.9886, 41.4213)
  228. [node name="ChocoSign6" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_2x2n6")]
  229. transform = Transform3D(-0.999858, -7.53253e-05, -0.0168589, -1.79126e-10, 0.99999, -0.00446803, 0.0168591, -0.00446739, -0.999848, 7.40928, 15.9886, 36.9391)
  230. [node name="ChocoSign4" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_2x2n6")]
  231. transform = Transform3D(-1.20221e-08, -0.961435, -0.275033, -4.20257e-08, 0.275033, -0.961435, 1, 0, -4.37114e-08, 24.3314, 30.998, -37.2881)
  232. [node name="ChocoSign2" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_2x2n6")]
  233. transform = Transform3D(-0.701345, 0, -0.712822, 0, 1, 0, 0.712822, 0, -0.701345, 153.365, 0, 100.145)
  234. [node name="ChocoSign7" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_2x2n6")]
  235. transform = Transform3D(-0.730484, 0, 0.68293, 0, 1, 0, -0.68293, 0, -0.730484, 153.365, 9.22052, 100.145)
  236. [node name="SummitGate1" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("14_ky6m3")]
  237. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -63.9918, 0, 0)
  238. [node name="SummitGate2" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("14_ky6m3")]
  239. transform = Transform3D(-4.37114e-08, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -4.37114e-08, -63.9918, 0, -32.9657)
  240. [node name="SummitGate3" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("14_ky6m3")]
  241. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -63.9918, 0, -68.1869)
  242. [node name="SummitGate4" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("14_ky6m3")]
  243. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -63.9918, 0, -102.84)
  244. [node name="SummitGate9" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("14_ky6m3")]
  245. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 75.0112, 0, -237.182)
  246. [node name="SummitGate5" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("14_ky6m3")]
  247. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 21.0311, 0, -54.4777)
  248. [node name="SummitGate6" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("14_ky6m3")]
  249. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 21.0311, 0, -19.3363)
  250. [node name="SummitGate8" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("14_ky6m3")]
  251. transform = Transform3D(0.695336, 0, 0.718685, 0, 1, 0, -0.718685, 0, 0.695336, 6.18162, 0, 40.8031)
  252. [node name="SummitGate7" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("14_ky6m3")]
  253. transform = Transform3D(-4.37114e-08, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -4.37114e-08, 28.7605, 19.8608, -37.0163)
  254. [node name="LongBridge1" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_06kfi")]
  255. transform = Transform3D(0.754616, -0.186763, 0.629026, 0.502561, 0.780864, -0.371057, -0.421884, 0.59613, 0.683112, -39.7875, 2.45974, 13.9557)
  256. [node name="LongBridge2" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_06kfi")]
  257. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -63.987, 19.6737, -16.1462)
  258. [node name="LongBridge10" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_06kfi")]
  259. transform = Transform3D(0.486808, 0, -0.873509, 0, 1, 0, 0.873509, 0, 0.486808, -160.399, 7.66405, 65.7331)
  260. [node name="LongBridge11" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_06kfi")]
  261. transform = Transform3D(0.511228, 0.397601, 0.761945, -0.231185, 0.917496, -0.323657, -0.827768, -0.0106874, 0.560969, -119.319, 3.02697, 78.3463)
  262. [node name="LongBridge3" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_06kfi")]
  263. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -63.987, 12.2193, -85.5014)
  264. [node name="LongBridge4" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_06kfi")]
  265. transform = Transform3D(-3.81324e-08, -0.48885, 0.872368, -2.13683e-08, 0.872368, 0.48885, -1, 1.34437e-15, -4.37114e-08, -99.9013, 5.74882, -0.497192)
  266. [node name="LongBridge5" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_06kfi")]
  267. transform = Transform3D(-2.62867e-08, 0.601369, 0.798972, -3.49242e-08, 0.798972, -0.601369, -1, -4.37114e-08, 1.91069e-15, 50.7922, 12.9833, -19.5609)
  268. [node name="LongBridge7" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_06kfi")]
  269. transform = Transform3D(0.689417, 0.43561, 0.578746, -0.149243, 0.86725, -0.474978, -0.708823, 0.241084, 0.662909, 50.7922, 4.86416, -127.518)
  270. [node name="LongBridge8" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_06kfi")]
  271. transform = Transform3D(0.926676, 0.373472, 0.042308, -0.305142, 0.813261, -0.495474, -0.219453, 0.446234, 0.867592, -119.097, 4.98022, -256.543)
  272. [node name="StairHouse7" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  273. transform = Transform3D(-4.37114e-08, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -4.37114e-08, 63.2664, 0, -51.3437)
  274. [node name="StairHouse8" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  275. transform = Transform3D(-0.999999, 0, 0.00148347, 0, 1, 0, -0.00148347, 0, -0.999999, 99.1357, 0, -51.3437)
  276. [node name="StairHouse15" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  277. transform = Transform3D(0.196528, 0, 0.980498, 0, 1, 0, -0.980498, 0, 0.196528, 0.300697, 0, -172.209)
  278. [node name="StairHouse18" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  279. transform = Transform3D(0.196528, 0, 0.980498, 0, 1, 0, -0.980498, 0, 0.196528, -227.361, 0, -222.879)
  280. [node name="StairHouse16" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  281. transform = Transform3D(0.559323, 0, -0.82895, 0, 1, 0, 0.82895, 0, 0.559323, -18.6386, -4.25995, -166.379)
  282. [node name="StairHouse17" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  283. transform = Transform3D(0.189061, 0, -0.981965, 0, 1, 0, 0.981965, 0, 0.189061, -48.0096, -8.55672, -161.384)
  284. [node name="StairHouse14" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  285. transform = Transform3D(-0.449709, 0, 0.893175, 0, 1, 0, -0.893175, 0, -0.449709, 106.258, 0, 52.9272)
  286. [node name="StairHouse10" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  287. transform = Transform3D(0.438904, 0, 0.898534, 0, 1, 0, -0.898534, 0, 0.438904, -76.2073, 0, 30.7201)
  288. [node name="StairHouse12" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  289. transform = Transform3D(-0.458153, 0, 0.888873, 0, 1, 0, -0.888873, 0, -0.458153, -143.718, 1.90735e-06, 60.5584)
  290. [node name="StairHouse13" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  291. transform = Transform3D(0.960702, 0, -0.277583, 0, 1, 0, 0.277583, 0, 0.960702, -175.986, 0, 74.5317)
  292. [node name="StairHouse11" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("11_j8m6y")]
  293. transform = Transform3D(0.438904, 0, 0.898534, 0, 1, 0, -0.898534, 0, 0.438904, -15.7564, -3.8147e-06, -17.5024)
  294. [node name="LongBridge6" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_06kfi")]
  295. transform = Transform3D(-2.62867e-08, 0.601369, 0.798972, -3.49242e-08, 0.798972, -0.601369, -1, -4.37114e-08, 1.91069e-15, 50.7922, 12.9833, -54.5592)
  296. [node name="LongBridge9" parent="Buildings" instance=ExtResource("13_06kfi")]
  297. transform = Transform3D(-0.794415, -0.177579, -0.580836, 0, 0.956305, -0.292372, 0.607376, -0.232264, -0.759703, -23.3903, 3.19975, -0.376336)
  298. [node name="MusicPlayer" type="AudioStreamPlayer" parent="."]
  299. stream = ExtResource("8_ndffw")
  300. script = ExtResource("8_iulsm")
  301. [node name="UI" type="Node" parent="."]
  302. [node name="InputPromptsCenter" type="CenterContainer" parent="UI"]
  303. process_mode = 4
  304. visible = false
  305. anchors_preset = 15
  306. anchor_right = 1.0
  307. anchor_bottom = 1.0
  308. grow_horizontal = 2
  309. grow_vertical = 2
  310. script = ExtResource("15_k0ijo")
  311. [node name="InputPromptsCollection" type="VBoxContainer" parent="UI/InputPromptsCenter"]
  312. layout_mode = 2
  313. [node name="MovePromptContainer" parent="UI/InputPromptsCenter/InputPromptsCollection" instance=ExtResource("15_wc547")]
  314. layout_mode = 2
  315. [node name="JumpPromptContainer" parent="UI/InputPromptsCenter/InputPromptsCollection" instance=ExtResource("17_6r3c0")]
  316. layout_mode = 2
  317. [node name="GetInPromptContainer" parent="UI/InputPromptsCenter/InputPromptsCollection" instance=ExtResource("18_bejgn")]
  318. visible = false
  319. layout_mode = 2
  320. [node name="TitleScreen" parent="UI" instance=ExtResource("13_2xijd")]
  321. [node name="PauseMenu" parent="UI" instance=ExtResource("16_orqqe")]
  322. [node name="VictoryMenu" parent="UI" instance=ExtResource("17_1u7wg")]
  323. visible = false
  324. [node name="ChocolateGauge" parent="UI" instance=ExtResource("23_wh0jf")]
  325. [node name="WorldEnvironment" type="WorldEnvironment" parent="."]
  326. environment = SubResource("Environment_jdyq3")
  327. [node name="SunLight" type="DirectionalLight3D" parent="."]
  328. transform = Transform3D(0.769065, 0.23434, -0.594663, 0, 0.930366, 0.366631, 0.639171, -0.281963, 0.715512, 0, 12.4629, 0)
  329. light_energy = 0.8
  330. [node name="Limits" type="Node3D" parent="."]
  331. [node name="BottomLimitArea" type="Area3D" parent="Limits"]
  332. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -100, 0)
  333. collision_mask = 2
  334. input_ray_pickable = false
  335. monitorable = false
  336. script = ExtResource("19_3qyrt")
  337. message = "That's not a common way to go to space, but you are welcome !"
  338. [node name="BottomLimitShape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="Limits/BottomLimitArea"]
  339. shape = SubResource("WorldBoundaryShape3D_cdiox")
  340. [node name="TopLimitArea" type="Area3D" parent="Limits"]
  341. transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 499.501, 0)
  342. collision_mask = 2
  343. input_ray_pickable = false
  344. monitorable = false
  345. script = ExtResource("19_3qyrt")
  346. [node name="BottomLimitShape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="Limits/TopLimitArea"]
  347. transform = Transform3D(-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0)
  348. shape = SubResource("WorldBoundaryShape3D_cdiox")
  349. [connection signal="can_get_in" from="MainWalker" to="UI/InputPromptsCenter/InputPromptsCollection/GetInPromptContainer" method="set_visible"]
  350. [connection signal="chocolate_collected" from="MainWalker" to="UI/ChocolateGauge" method="_on_main_walker_chocolate_collected"]
  351. [connection signal="focus_required" from="MainWalker" to="CameraTracker" method="_on_focus_required"]
  352. [connection signal="got_in" from="MainWalker" to="MusicPlayer" method="_on_driver_got_in"]
  353. [connection signal="got_in" from="MainWalker" to="UI/InputPromptsCenter/InputPromptsCollection/GetInPromptContainer" method="hide"]
  354. [connection signal="got_out" from="MainWalker" to="MusicPlayer" method="_on_driver_got_out"]
  355. [connection signal="dir_changed" from="MainWalker/Control" to="MainWalker" method="_on_dir_changed"]
  356. [connection signal="get_in_action" from="MainWalker/Control" to="MainWalker" method="_on_get_in_action"]
  357. [connection signal="main_action" from="MainWalker/Control" to="MainWalker" method="_on_main_action"]
  358. [connection signal="start_game" from="UI/TitleScreen" to="MainWalker/Control" method="_on_title_screen_start_game"]
  359. [connection signal="start_game" from="UI/TitleScreen" to="UI/InputPromptsCenter" method="_on_title_screen_start_game"]
  360. [connection signal="visibility_changed" from="UI/VictoryMenu" to="MainWalker/Control" method="_on_victory_menu_visibility_changed"]
  361. [connection signal="visibility_changed" from="UI/VictoryMenu" to="UI/InputPromptsCenter" method="_on_victory_menu_visibility_changed"]
  362. [connection signal="body_shape_entered" from="Limits/BottomLimitArea" to="Limits/BottomLimitArea" method="_on_body_shape_entered"]
  363. [connection signal="space_reached" from="Limits/BottomLimitArea" to="UI/VictoryMenu" method="_on_space_reached"]
  364. [connection signal="body_shape_entered" from="Limits/TopLimitArea" to="Limits/TopLimitArea" method="_on_body_shape_entered"]
  365. [connection signal="space_reached" from="Limits/TopLimitArea" to="UI/VictoryMenu" method="_on_space_reached"]