walker.gd 4.4 KB

  1. class_name Walker
  2. extends CharacterBody3D
  3. signal focus_required(me: Node3D)
  4. signal got_in
  5. signal got_out
  6. ## How fast the player moves in meters per second.
  7. @export var speed = 14
  8. ## Convert an axis from [-1, -1] to rad
  9. @export var turn_to_rad: float = 0.020
  10. ## The downward acceleration when in the air, in meters per second squared.
  11. @export var fall_acceleration = 75
  12. ## Vertical impulse applied to the character upon jumping in meters per second.
  13. @export var jump_impulse = 20
  14. @export_group("Seat", "seat_")
  15. @export var seat_min_dist: float = 0.0005
  16. @export var seat_access_speed: float = 2.0
  17. @export var seat_rotation_duration: float = 1.0
  18. var target_velocity := Vector3.ZERO
  19. var target_character_direction := Vector3.ZERO # From command
  20. var _vehicle: Node3D = null
  21. var _seat: Node3D = null
  22. @onready var _vehicle_range: RayCast3D = $VehicleRange
  23. func _ready() -> void:
  24. focus_required.emit(self)
  25. func trigger_jump() -> void:
  26. if is_on_floor():
  27. target_velocity.y = jump_impulse
  28. func trigger_direction(dir: Vector2) -> void:
  29. target_character_direction = Vector3(dir.x, 0.0, -dir.y)
  30. ## Return true if inside a vehicle
  31. func is_onboard() -> bool:
  32. return _vehicle != null
  33. func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
  34. if is_onboard():
  35. _get_on_driver_seat()
  36. else:
  37. _move_with_feet(delta)
  38. func _move_with_feet(delta: float):
  39. # Walk according to the camera angle
  40. var camera_basis: Basis = get_viewport().get_camera_3d().get_camera_transform().basis
  41. var target_world_direction: Vector3 = camera_basis * target_character_direction
  42. target_world_direction.y = 0.0
  43. var target_walk_velocity = target_world_direction.normalized() * speed * target_character_direction.length()
  44. target_velocity.x = target_walk_velocity.x
  45. target_velocity.z = target_walk_velocity.z
  46. # Face forward
  47. _look_forward(target_velocity)
  48. # Gravity
  49. if not is_on_floor():
  50. target_velocity.y = target_velocity.y - (fall_acceleration * delta)
  51. # Moving the Character
  52. velocity = target_velocity
  53. move_and_slide()
  54. func _get_on_driver_seat() -> void:
  55. if _seat == null :
  56. return
  57. if position.distance_squared_to(_seat.position) < seat_min_dist:
  58. return
  59. var rotation_tween: Tween = create_tween()
  60. rotation_tween.tween_property(self, "quaternion", _seat.quaternion, seat_rotation_duration)
  61. var local_velocity = (_seat.position - position).normalized() * seat_access_speed
  62. velocity = get_parent().get_transform().basis * local_velocity
  63. move_and_slide()
  64. func _on_dir_changed(dir: Vector2) -> void:
  65. if is_onboard():
  66. return
  67. trigger_direction(dir)
  68. func _on_main_action(pressed: bool) -> void:
  69. if is_onboard():
  70. return
  71. if pressed:
  72. trigger_jump()
  73. func _on_get_in_action(commander: LocalInput) -> void:
  74. if is_onboard():
  75. _get_out_vehicle()
  76. else:
  77. _get_in_vehicle(commander)
  78. ## Seek the first vehicle in front of the player
  79. ## and get in to it
  80. ## and take the wheel !
  81. func _get_in_vehicle(commander: LocalInput) -> void:
  82. var closest_vehicle: Node3D = _get_closest_vehicle()
  83. if closest_vehicle == null:
  84. return # No vehicle to get inside
  85. _vehicle = closest_vehicle
  86. reparent(_vehicle)
  87. add_collision_exception_with(_vehicle)
  88. _vehicle.drive_with(commander)
  89. _seat = _find_seat_on(_vehicle)
  90. got_in.emit()
  91. ## Get out of the current vehicle
  92. func _get_out_vehicle() -> void:
  93. _vehicle.get_out()
  94. remove_collision_exception_with(_vehicle)
  95. reparent(_vehicle.get_parent())
  96. _vehicle = null
  97. _seat = null
  98. _get_head_up()
  99. got_out.emit()
  100. ## Make the player stand up
  101. func _get_head_up():
  102. set_rotation(Vector3(0.0, rotation.y, 0.0))
  103. ## Make the player look forward
  104. func _look_forward(forward: Vector3) -> void:
  105. var horizontal_forward: Vector3 = forward.slide(Vector3.UP)
  106. if horizontal_forward.is_zero_approx():
  107. return
  108. else:
  109. look_at(position + horizontal_forward)
  110. ## Return closest vehicle within reach
  111. ## or null if there are none
  112. func _get_closest_vehicle() -> Node3D:
  113. _vehicle_range.force_raycast_update()
  114. var object_within_range: Object = _vehicle_range.get_collider()
  115. if object_within_range is Node3D:
  116. var node_within_range: Node3D = object_within_range as Node3D
  117. if node_within_range.is_in_group("vehicle"):
  118. print("Get in ", node_within_range)
  119. return node_within_range
  120. print("No vehicle found")
  121. return null
  122. ## Have a seat on the driven vehicle if a seat
  123. ## is available
  124. func _find_seat_on(vehicule: Node3D) -> Node3D:
  125. if vehicule.has_method("get_free_seat") :
  126. return vehicule.get_free_seat()
  127. return null