[gd_scene load_steps=13 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://component/ui/hud/HUD.gd" type="Script" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://component/ui/hud/map_set.png" type="Texture" id=2] [ext_resource path="res://component/ui/hud/MenuDialog.gd" type="Script" id=3] [sub_resource type="DynamicFontData" id=1] font_path = "res://component/ui/Xolonium-Regular.ttf" [sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=2] size = 64 outline_size = 1 outline_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) font_data = SubResource( 1 ) [sub_resource type="DynamicFontData" id=3] font_path = "res://component/ui/Xolonium-Regular.ttf" [sub_resource type="DynamicFont" id=4] size = 80 font_data = SubResource( 3 ) [sub_resource type="InputEventAction" id=5] action = "ui_select" [sub_resource type="ShortCut" id=6] shortcut = SubResource( 5 ) [sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id=7] flags = 4 atlas = ExtResource( 2 ) region = Rect2( 16, 1865, 914, 471 ) [sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id=8] flags = 4 atlas = ExtResource( 2 ) region = Rect2( -1, 1275, 915, 471 ) [sub_resource type="AtlasTexture" id=9] flags = 4 atlas = ExtResource( 2 ) region = Rect2( 1073, 1283, 914, 472 ) [node name="HUD" type="CanvasLayer"] script = ExtResource( 1 ) [node name="ScoreLabel" type="Label" parent="."] anchor_right = 1.0 margin_bottom = 78.0 custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 2 ) text = "0" align = 1 [node name="MessageLabel" type="Label" parent="."] anchor_top = 0.5 anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 0.5 margin_top = -270.5 margin_bottom = 26.5 custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 4 ) text = "Help Martinus!" align = 1 autowrap = true __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="MessageTimer" type="Timer" parent="."] wait_time = 2.15 one_shot = true [node name="ColorButton" type="TextureButton" parent="."] anchor_top = 1.0 anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 margin_top = -200.0 margin_bottom = -50.0 shortcut = SubResource( 6 ) texture_normal = SubResource( 7 ) texture_pressed = SubResource( 8 ) texture_hover = SubResource( 9 ) expand = true stretch_mode = 5 [node name="Start" type="Label" parent="ColorButton"] anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 margin_top = 19.0 custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 2 ) text = "Start" align = 1 [node name="MenuButton" type="Button" parent="."] anchor_left = 1.0 anchor_right = 1.0 margin_top = 10.0 margin_right = -10.0 margin_bottom = 50.0 grow_horizontal = 0 text = "Menu" [node name="MenuDialog" type="WindowDialog" parent="."] anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 margin_left = 40.0 margin_top = 40.0 margin_right = -40.0 margin_bottom = -40.0 window_title = "Menu" script = ExtResource( 3 ) [node name="Description" type="RichTextLabel" parent="MenuDialog"] anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0 margin_left = 20.0 margin_top = 20.0 margin_right = -20.0 margin_bottom = -40.0 bbcode_enabled = true bbcode_text = "[b]DodgyFox version 1.6[/b] Game developed by Jovian HERSEMEULE (alias DricomDragon) [b]Game engine[/b] Made with [url=https://godotengine.org/]Godot[/url] This is an amazing Game engine made by amazing people, go check out their work. Engine licensed under MIT license. [b]Source code[/b] Written by Jovian HERSEMEULE, a.k.a. Dricom Dragon GNU GPLv3. [b]Font[/b] I lost the license. >_< [b]Graphics[/b] [i]Fox[/i] Thanks to Elthen Art available on Itch.io : [url=https://elthen.itch.io/2d-pixel-art-fox-sprites]2D Pixel Art Fox Sprites[/url] [i]Grass[/i] Thanks to Athile Art available on OpenGameArt.org : [url=https://opengameart.org/content/seamless-grass-texture-ii]Seamless Grass Texture II[/url] Licensed CC0. [i]Chicken[/i] Thanks to Pekschi Art available on Itch.io : [url=https://pekschi.itch.io/fat-chicken]Fat Chicken Set[/url] " text = "DodgyFox version 1.6 Game developed by Jovian HERSEMEULE (alias DricomDragon) Game engine Made with Godot This is an amazing Game engine made by amazing people, go check out their work. Engine licensed under MIT license. Source code Written by Jovian HERSEMEULE, a.k.a. Dricom Dragon GNU GPLv3. Font I lost the license. >_< Graphics Fox Thanks to Elthen Art available on Itch.io : 2D Pixel Art Fox Sprites Grass Thanks to Athile Art available on OpenGameArt.org : Seamless Grass Texture II Licensed CC0. Chicken Thanks to Pekschi Art available on Itch.io : Fat Chicken Set " [node name="CloseButton" type="Button" parent="MenuDialog"] anchor_left = 0.5 anchor_top = 1.0 anchor_right = 0.5 anchor_bottom = 1.0 margin_bottom = -10.0 grow_horizontal = 2 grow_vertical = 0 text = "Close" [connection signal="timeout" from="MessageTimer" to="." method="_on_MessageTimer_timeout"] [connection signal="pressed" from="ColorButton" to="." method="_on_StartButton_pressed"] [connection signal="button_down" from="MenuButton" to="MenuDialog" method="_on_MenuButton_button_down"] [connection signal="pressed" from="MenuDialog/CloseButton" to="MenuDialog" method="_on_CloseButton_pressed"]