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- custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 4 )
- text = "Help Martinus!"
- align = 1
- autowrap = true
- __meta__ = {
- "_edit_use_anchors_": false
- }
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- wait_time = 2.15
- one_shot = true
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- anchor_bottom = 1.0
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- custom_fonts/font = SubResource( 2 )
- text = "Start"
- align = 1
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- anchor_left = 1.0
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- text = "Menu"
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- bbcode_enabled = true
- bbcode_text = "[b]DodgyFox version 1.6[/b]
- Game developed by Jovian HERSEMEULE (alias DricomDragon)
- [b]Game engine[/b]
- Made with [url=https://godotengine.org/]Godot[/url]
- This is an amazing Game engine made by amazing people, go check out their work.
- Engine licensed under MIT license.
- [b]Source code[/b]
- Written by Jovian HERSEMEULE, a.k.a. Dricom Dragon
- GNU GPLv3.
- [b]Font[/b]
- I lost the license. >_<
- [b]Graphics[/b]
- [i]Fox[/i]
- Thanks to Elthen
- Art available on Itch.io : [url=https://elthen.itch.io/2d-pixel-art-fox-sprites]2D Pixel Art Fox Sprites[/url]
- [i]Grass[/i]
- Thanks to Athile
- Art available on OpenGameArt.org : [url=https://opengameart.org/content/seamless-grass-texture-ii]Seamless Grass Texture II[/url]
- Licensed CC0.
- [i]Chicken[/i]
- Thanks to Pekschi
- Art available on Itch.io : [url=https://pekschi.itch.io/fat-chicken]Fat Chicken Set[/url]
- "
- text = "DodgyFox version 1.6
- Game developed by Jovian HERSEMEULE (alias DricomDragon)
- Game engine
- Made with Godot
- This is an amazing Game engine made by amazing people, go check out their work.
- Engine licensed under MIT license.
- Source code
- Written by Jovian HERSEMEULE, a.k.a. Dricom Dragon
- GNU GPLv3.
- Font
- I lost the license. >_<
- Graphics
- Fox
- Thanks to Elthen
- Art available on Itch.io : 2D Pixel Art Fox Sprites
- Grass
- Thanks to Athile
- Art available on OpenGameArt.org : Seamless Grass Texture II
- Licensed CC0.
- Chicken
- Thanks to Pekschi
- Art available on Itch.io : Fat Chicken Set
- "
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- anchor_left = 0.5
- anchor_top = 1.0
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- text = "Close"
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