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:memo: List features and explain how to use them

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1 змінених файлів з 80 додано та 0 видалено
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+ 80 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,86 @@
 A plugin to easily create and animate slides in Godot 4.
+This plugin is small, stable and adaptable.
+## Features
+### A slide is a scene
+Leverage the Godot scene system by providing a custom Slide node to use as root for your slide scene. Then you are free to add anything in your slide scene. Don't forget to include it as a child of your Show node in your main scene.
+### Smooth and customizable transitions between slides
+A custom Camera2D node named Focus handles transitions, tweening position and scale. Transition can be customized via the Focus node.
+Don't forget to connect the Show node signal to the Focus node.
+### React to input : next, skip, previous, home slide
+You can customize those events by providing your custom action names in the Show node.
+### Click on a slide gives it focus
+If you want to target a specific slide you see, juste click on it with your mouse.
+## How to use
+### Basics
+#### 1. Install the plugin
+Add or merge the `addons` folder with the one at the top of your own project.
+Check the official documentation about [installing a plugin](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/plugins/editor/installing_plugins.html) to have more details.
+#### 2. Create your main scene
+Create your main global scene.
+#### 3. Instantiate a Focus
+Instantiate the Focus node, playing the role of a custom Camera2D.
+#### 4. Instantiate a Show and link its signal to the Focus
+Instantiate the Show node, and use the node inspector to link the `new_focus` signal to the Focus node.
+#### 5. Create your own Slides by creating Scene based on Slide node
+To create and edit a slide, create a new scene with the Slide node as root node. You can add any Node in your slide scene, like a Label or a Sprite2D.
+#### 6. Instantiate your slides as children of Show
+To add the slide to your show, instantiate it in your main scene as a child of your Show node. Put only Slide scenes as children of the Show. The order of the children determines the sequence of slides.
+You are ready to run your own slideshow ! :tada:
+#### 7. Play your game
+Run your slide show!
+Default controls :
+- Enter `ui_accept` : go smoothly to next slide
+- Right arrow `ui_right` : go to next slide without transition
+- Left arrow `ui_left` : go to previous slide without transition
+- Escape `ui_cancel` : go to the starting slide
+- Mouse click : go smoothly to the nearest slide from click position
+### Advanced features
+#### Start from another slide
+If you want to specify a starting slide, you can specify its index via the inspetor. Can be useful to experiment parts of your slideshow.
+#### Hide slides before they got focus
+To reveal slides on focus, check the `hide slides` in the Show. If you want some slides to remain always visible, chek `always visible` on the corresponding slide.
+#### Customize input map
+You can create your own actions, and give them to the Show node via the `input setup` section in the inspector.
 ## License
 This plugin is free software licensed under the [MIT license](https://mit-license.org/), the same license used by the Godot engine itself.