# Vim Jovian cheat sheet for vim ## Commands ### Bookmark `mx` to bookmark with letter _x_ ``` `x ``` to go to _x_ ### Case `gu` and movement to lowercase `gU` and movement to uppercase ### Write with SUDO #### On the fly fix when you forgot to sudo with Vim ... `:w !sudo tee %` Beware, that is not recommanded to run a editor as Vim. #### The right way Use `sudoedit` ## Regex ### End of line Catch with `\n` and put one with `\r`. ## Diff __vimdiff__ basics ### Configure git `git config --global diff.tool vimdiff` `git config --global merge.tool vimdiff` ### Trigger conflict resolution `git mergetool` ### Make contents identical `dp` : diffput throws changement in the other window `do` : diffget obtains changements from the other window ### Jump between diffs `]c` next `[c` previous ### Resolving a conflict Three files : LOCAL | BASE | REMOTE ```txt +--------------------------------+ | LOCAL | BASE | REMOTE | +--------------------------------+ | MERGED | +--------------------------------+ ``` Three commands : `:diffget LO`, `:diffget BO`, `:diffget RE` ### Unfold `zo` Useful to see more context. ## Plugins [Vundle](https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim) seems to be a standard. Open vim and use the `:PluginUpdate` command to automatically update your plugins. ## Color syntax ### Ex command `set syntax=yaml` ### Infile comment ?