# GNU Screen - main configuration file # All other .screenrc files will source this file to inherit settings. # Author: Christian Wills - cwills.sys@gmail.com # Allow bold colors - necessary for some reason attrcolor b ".I" # Tell screen how to set colors. AB = background, AF=foreground termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm' # Enables use of shift-PgUp and shift-PgDn termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs|rxvt ti@:te@ # Erase background with current bg color defbce "on" # Enable 256 color term term xterm-256color # Cache 30000 lines for scroll back defscrollback 30000 # Energy information backtick 101 30 15 /usr/bin/acpi hardstatus alwayslastline # Very nice tabbed colored hardstatus line hardstatus string '%{= Kd} %{= Kd}%-w%{= Kr}[%{= KW}%n %t%{= Kr}]%{= Kd}%+w %-= %{KG} %H%{KW}|%{KY}%101`%{KW}|%D %M %d %Y%{= Kc} %C%A%{-}' # change command character from ctrl-a to ctrl-b (emacs users may want this) escape ^Hh # Hide hardstatus: ctrl-a f bind f eval "hardstatus ignore" # Show hardstatus: ctrl-a F bind F eval "hardstatus alwayslastline"