kanboard.md 4.4 KB


The lightweigth kanban project manager

Link to documentation

Official Kanboard documentation


Use script install-kanboard in the folder Install in this repository.

Setup GUI

Website domain

In Settings/Application Settings.



Go to the plugins settings (you should be logged as an admin).

Useful plugins

GitHub authentication

Gogs webhook

Mattermost notification

Zulip notifications

Signal notification

SMS two factor authentication

Setup GitHub authentication

Install plugin

First install the GitHub authentification plugin.

Create the application on GitHub

With your admin user account, connect to Kanboard and go to Settings > Integration. You should see the GitHub authentication panel with the Github OAuth callback URL already completed.

Now, open a new tab and connect to your GitHub account. Then you have to register your application to GitHub. Fill in the form, and do not forget to put the Authorization callback URL retrieved in Kanboard. Now valid the application creation by clicking on Register application.

Now, you have been redirected to another GitHub page with the message Application successfully created. You have now access to the client id and the client secret. Copy paste these two strings in your first tab, inside the GitHub authentication panel in Kanboard.

Now, your application is registered.

Create a new user

You can now create remote user accounts to allow your team members to connect with their own GitHub account. Please replace the example user name DricomDragon by the username you want to add.

In Kanboard, go to Settings > User Management and click on Create a new user. Type DricomDragon in the username field and check the box Remote user. Click on Save.

Then, click on the newly created user. In the left side panel, in the Actions category, click on Edit authentication. You should see a Github Id field. You have to put the GitHub id yourself. To do so, use the GitHub API https://api.github.com/users/DricomDragon. Put the id in the GitHub Id field. Click on Save.

Congratulations ! This user can now connect to Kanboard using his own GitHub account.

Connect with a GitHub account

In the login page, instead of using the login form, hit the Login with my GitHub Account. The first time, the user should give the authorization to the Kanboard application to access public data. The next time, the user will only need to click the link and will be automatically redirected to Kanboard dashboard.

Beware, sometimes Kanboard can fail. Try again, it should work. ^_^'


New version or new host.


Install Kanboard with the install script. Do not forget to install the database.

Delete the kanboard database with sudo -u postgres psql -c 'DROP DATABASE kanboard_db'.

Export the database on the previous version sudo -u postgres pg_dump kanboard_db > kanboard_db_file.

Copy the created file on the new host if needed.

Restore the database with sudo -u postgres createdb -T template0 kanboard_db. Then restore the database with sudo -u postgres psql --single-transaction kanboard_db < kanboard_db_file.

NOTICE : a bug was encountered while migrating from 10.10 to 9.6.13. If you get the error about SEQUENCE ... AS integer, you simply have to remove every AS integer occurrence in the kanboard_db_file.


Zip the folder data in /www/html/kanboard-1.2.10 with the command zip -r kanboard_data /var/www/html/kanboard-1.2.10/data.

Copy the zip file to the new host.

Unzip the file : unzip kanboard_data.zip

Move the files : sudo cp -r var/www/html/kanboard-1.2.10/data/ /var/www/kanboard-1.2.11/

Change the ownership of the files : sudo chown -R www-data:www-data data

Note : Are avatars now ok ? The first time it didn't work, maybe because the application was launched before complete migration. Or maybe id change.


You have to manually reinstall your plugins.