[gd_scene load_steps=17 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://component/ui/message_panel/MessagePanel.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://component/entity/launcher/TargetLine.gd" type="Script" id=2] [ext_resource path="res://component/entity/catcher/Catcher.gd" type="Script" id=3] [ext_resource path="res://component/ui/LifeContainer.gd" type="Script" id=4] [ext_resource path="res://component/ui/UI.gd" type="Script" id=5] [ext_resource path="res://component/ui/number_panel/NumberPanel.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=6] [ext_resource path="res://component/entity/death/DeadLine.gd" type="Script" id=7] [ext_resource path="res://component/entity/launcher/Launcher.gd" type="Script" id=8] [ext_resource path="res://component/entity/brick/brick_tileset.tres" type="TileSet" id=9] [ext_resource path="res://component/entity/launcher/visor.png" type="Texture" id=10] [ext_resource path="res://component/entity/launcher/launcher.png" type="Texture" id=11] [ext_resource path="res://component/entity/brick/Grid.gd" type="Script" id=12] [sub_resource type="PhysicsMaterial" id=1] friction = 0.0 bounce = 1.0 [sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=2] extents = Vector2( 50, 300 ) [sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=3] extents = Vector2( 300, 50 ) [sub_resource type="RectangleShape2D" id=4] extents = Vector2( 200, 50 ) [node name="Game" type="Node"] [node name="Background" type="Panel" parent="."] margin_right = 400.0 margin_bottom = 400.0 __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="Walls" type="StaticBody2D" parent="."] collision_layer = 2 physics_material_override = SubResource( 1 ) [node name="Left" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Walls"] position = Vector2( -50, 200 ) shape = SubResource( 2 ) [node name="Right" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Walls"] position = Vector2( 450, 200 ) shape = SubResource( 2 ) [node name="Top" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Walls"] position = Vector2( 200, -50 ) shape = SubResource( 3 ) [node name="Catcher" type="Area2D" parent="."] position = Vector2( 200, 460 ) collision_layer = 8 collision_mask = 5 script = ExtResource( 3 ) [node name="Area" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Catcher"] shape = SubResource( 4 ) [node name="Launcher" type="Node2D" parent="."] script = ExtResource( 8 ) visor_ratio = 1.6 [node name="Grid" type="TileMap" parent="Launcher" groups=[ "grid", ]] mode = 2 tile_set = ExtResource( 9 ) cell_size = Vector2( 40, 20 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 40, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0 ) collision_layer = 4 collision_mask = 8 format = 1 script = ExtResource( 12 ) [node name="LifeContainer" type="Node2D" parent="Launcher/Grid"] script = ExtResource( 4 ) [node name="MoveDown" type="Tween" parent="Launcher/Grid"] __meta__ = { "_editor_description_": "Move grid to show the new row" } [node name="TargetLine" type="RayCast2D" parent="Launcher"] position = Vector2( 200, 400 ) collision_mask = 6 script = ExtResource( 2 ) [node name="TargetVisor" type="Sprite" parent="Launcher/TargetLine"] texture = ExtResource( 10 ) [node name="Source" type="Sprite" parent="Launcher"] position = Vector2( 200, 400 ) texture = ExtResource( 11 ) [node name="ShootDelay" type="Timer" parent="Launcher"] wait_time = 0.1 one_shot = true [node name="DeadLine" type="RayCast2D" parent="Launcher"] position = Vector2( 380, 390 ) cast_to = Vector2( -360, 0 ) collision_mask = 4 script = ExtResource( 7 ) [node name="UI" type="Control" parent="."] margin_right = 40.0 margin_bottom = 40.0 script = ExtResource( 5 ) __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="GameOverPanel" parent="UI" instance=ExtResource( 1 )] visible = false message = "Game Over!" [node name="TutorialPanel" parent="UI" instance=ExtResource( 1 )] message = "Click to shoot a ball!" [node name="ScoreCounter" parent="UI" instance=ExtResource( 6 )] margin_left = 350.0 margin_top = 360.0 margin_right = 390.0 margin_bottom = 390.0 title = "Score" [node name="BallCounter" parent="UI" instance=ExtResource( 6 )] margin_left = 10.0 margin_top = 360.0 margin_right = 50.0 margin_bottom = 390.0 title = "Balls" [connection signal="ready" from="." to="UI/BallCounter" method="increase_counter"] [connection signal="body_entered" from="Catcher" to="Catcher" method="_on_Catcher_body_entered"] [connection signal="game_over" from="Catcher" to="UI" method="_on_Catcher_game_over"] [connection signal="gain_new_bullet" from="Launcher" to="UI/BallCounter" method="increase_counter"] [connection signal="get_firing" from="Launcher" to="UI" method="_on_Launcher_get_firing"] [connection signal="get_firing" from="Launcher" to="Launcher" method="_on_Launcher_get_firing"] [connection signal="is_full" from="Launcher" to="Launcher/Grid" method="_on_Launcher_is_full"] [connection signal="move_visor" from="Launcher" to="Launcher/TargetLine" method="_on_Launcher_move_visor"] [connection signal="has_moved" from="Launcher/Grid" to="Launcher" method="_on_Grid_has_moved"] [connection signal="has_moved" from="Launcher/Grid" to="Launcher/DeadLine" method="_on_Grid_has_moved"] [connection signal="kace_broken" from="Launcher/Grid" to="Launcher" method="_on_Grid_kace_broken"] [connection signal="kace_damaged" from="Launcher/Grid" to="UI/ScoreCounter" method="increase_counter"] [connection signal="tween_all_completed" from="Launcher/Grid/MoveDown" to="Launcher/Grid" method="_on_MoveDown_tween_all_completed"] [connection signal="timeout" from="Launcher/ShootDelay" to="Launcher" method="_on_ShootDelay_timeout"] [connection signal="game_lost" from="Launcher/DeadLine" to="UI" method="_on_DeadLine_game_lost"] [connection signal="game_lost" from="Launcher/DeadLine" to="Launcher" method="_on_DeadLine_game_lost"]